Our company obtained the license to distribute bio products.
With this qualification received from Biokontroll Hungaria Nonprofit Ltd. we are entitled to distribute bio products.
Our company obtained the license to distribute bio products.
With this qualification received from Biokontroll Hungaria Nonprofit Ltd. we are entitled to distribute bio products.
Our B3 and B4 system was successfully certified by SGS Hungaria Ltd. in August, 2018.
Certificate for companies with the steadiest financial standing In the Bisnode international company rating system, the financial stability and business reliability of all enterprises are rated based on a proven system that has been designed by international experts, and whose operation is consistently measured. This is how our company,Agrolog-Hungaria Kft has been chosen as one of the enterprises with the steadiest financial standing. As a result, our enterprise belongs to those 9.82% of Hungarian companies that have the most solid financial foundations, i.e.
The MagyarBrands (The HungarianBrands) has been classifying, presenting, acknowledging and awarding the best and the most successful Hungarian brands for the last 8 years. The program values exclusively brands which were produced in Hungary or those that were produced, established with the participation of Hungarians. The making of the HungarianBrands award happens in virtue of quantifiable criterions, which is afterwards supplemented by the decision of a voluntary, autonomous committee.
Az Agrolog-Hungária KFT. célja,hogy az általa forgalmazott különböző termények és takarmány alapanyagok kiváló minőségben jussanak el a Vevőkhöz úgy,hogy közben a lehető legnagyobb termékbiztonságot nyújtsák a felhasználók számára.
Copyright © 2009 Agrolog-Hungária Agrárlogisztikai Kft.